@We, All Nippon Checkers Corporation, established for public benefit of the port logistics and have started the tallying/measuring services on October, 1955. We sincerely appreciate for your assistance and deep understanding to continue our business.
@We integrated local tallying companies at Japanese main ports under the motto “Be Fair Tallying/Measuring Certificate Agency.” When we started the business, our main services were tallying and measuring. Then, we expanded into new businesses that the general inspection service, and other related services to meet customers` demands.
@In addition, on April 2001, we got certified ISO9001 for headquarters and all local branches for higher quality of services. We do continue to improve the services in order to be a leading company and to contribute to the development of society and logistics.
@We would like to introduce the outline of our corporation in this occasion and may hope your further assistance and encouragement.
Thank you,